Friday, May 20, 2011

End of Days? Really?

Tomorrow is supposed to be the end of the world, according to this guy named Harold Camping. I don't believe him. First of all, he predicted the rapture would come in September 1994. Guess he missed that one. Secondly, he's an engineer who seriously believes that the universe was created just over 13,000 years ago. What?! I don't understand how someone who is supposedly intelligent honestly believes this, despite all the SCIENTIFIC proof that the world is much older than that.

I could say something about engineers and intelligence but I won't.

I've read some of this guys writings and it honestly doesn't make sense. He assigns biblical meanings to numbers and then multiplies them together to get this prophecy that the rapture begins tomorrow. However, I did not find how he assigns these numbers. It appears to me that he just randomly assigned these numbers just to make his own numbers make sense.

I understand there are people who take the bible quite literally. I can't do that. I've never been able to do that. I remember having a conversation as a child with my mom about creation, trying to figure out how the dinosaurs, who lived millions of years ago for a very long time, only survived for one day if that, when you look at the 6 day biblical creation story. I concluded that one of Gods days must be longer than one of our days, like on other planets and one day must have been thousands or millions of years (as a young child, I couldn't think in much bigger was either a million or infinity. I knew it couldn't have been infinity, therefore it must have been millions). Also, if you take the bible literally, are you going to have "do everything the bible says, even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff" as Ned Flanders said? And which version are you using? What about the apocrypha? The books of the bible that didn't make the cut in the final version?

And why even give the idea to someone like an engineer? Why not give the message to someone like...the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Dalai of the many religious officials out there? You're more likely to save someone if it comes from a reasonable authority. And why is it always a Christian message of the world coming to an end? Do other religions have this fear? If not, why the Christians? If we are to believe the universe is 13000 years old, the Jews and Muslims would be freaking out now too, but all I hear is Christianity.

And then there's the idea of God only having the universe for 13000 years. If God is infinite, 13000 years is not a very long time. Why create everything to get rid of us quickly? It's like saying "I'm gonna get a puppy, I'm gonna love him, feed him, take care of him, but only for 3 years. Once he turns 3, I'm going to kill him." If you love that puppy, you take care of that puppy until it's natural time to leave. If you're sane of course. I've always assumed that God was sane.

And now, there's the idea of the zombie apocalypse. The CDC even put out an article of what to do in case of a zombie apocalypse and any other natural disaster. I've already determined that if there IS a zombie apocalypse, the people most likely to survive are video gamers, since we've killed many, many zombies in our lifetime. And Simon Pegg of course. He knows how to do it. He did it in Shaun of the Dead. Unfortunately, unlike video games, the guns aren't lying on the ground. We can still try it out though.

So, is this going to be the end of the world? Will this be my last post? Is tomorrow going to be a rapture? I sincerely doubt it. But if it is, have a great afterlife. If it's not, see you in my next post!

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