I know I've been a terrible blogger. But I've been gaming...a lot. And sometimes I just don't know what to write. Though sometimes, good ideas come to me in places like the bus or work and I can't write them down. But this time, this needs to come out.
I don't understand what's wrong with the people in my country. We've elected a leader who was previously found in contempt of parliament. This was the first time in Commonwealth history that this happened. Not only was he allowed to run again, but he won the election again. It's the same as being fired from a job, applying for the vacant position, and getting the job back. How the hell does that work?!
I know some people are saying "well, if he was re-elected, someone must have thought he was doing alright." Well, no. Voter turnout was 61.1%. 39% of eligible voters did not vote, which is just too many. About 40% of people didn't say whether they thought Harper was the best person for the job. People are too apathetic when it comes to politics. People over the world fight for their right to chose who should lead them, and citizens of this country just blow that away. Some say they're vote doesn't matter, but the more people say it, the more important each vote does become. That 40% could have drastically changed the way the election turned out. Hopefully they'll decide to vote once they see what this guy has already done in the less than one year he's been in power and what he continues to do.
First of all, the insane crime bill. What the hell is that? It isn't just the opposition who are saying that, but people all over the world! TEXAS looked at our bill and said "been there, done that, it doesn't work, you'll waste money." The government is ignoring it, pretty much saying "this is OUR country, go away". The crime bill increases sentences and builds more prisons at a time when the crime rate is LOW! Lowest it's been in 40 years. So, why are they spending money on something that we don't need. Maybe we do need a few changes, but not to this extent.
Then there's the whole privacy issue. This government got rid of the long-form census because it was an invasion of privacy. This continues to blow my mind as a market researcher. You NEED this information to find out exactly what's going on in your country. However, allowing the police to look at anyone's internet records WITHOUT a warrant is NOT an invasion of privacy. Sure, they say they'll only do it in extenuating circumstances, but what they say they'll do and what they'll actually do are two different things. If they can look at ANYONE, they will. Why? Because they can. So they can monitor everything everyone does, and probably destroy anyone who is not on their side. Can we say dictatorship? I understand they want to crack down on child porn, but there are better ways than putting everyone's privacy at risk. Like I said, with this law, I might be able to be taken down and taken out because I'm bad-mouthing the government. Called Free Speech people. Look it up. Oh right, the Harper Government probably wants to get rid of that too.
Finally, it has come out about call-centers telling people the wrong places to go on voting day. They reply was that it was a mistake. No. One center doing it for one riding is a mistake. However, it effected 39 ridings. Considering there are 308 in Canada, do the math. 39/308 = 12%! There are all sorts of different stories coming out. Google it because I don't have time to say it all. And what are the Conservatives, the ones in power doing? Bashing the other parties. I'm sorry but if you're being accused in a very serious crime, which this is, wouldn't you demand to prove your innocence? Insist on further investigations? They aren't, because they know exactly what people will find.
There is so much more to discuss but I don't have the time. But, Canada, I implore you, wake up! What the hell is going on in my country? This government is making me ashamed to be Canadian right now. And people are just sitting by while the government continues to lie and enforce their backwards rules on us. We need to stand up for this! This isn't Canada anymore. This is Harperland. Unfortunately, it will be for the next 3 years. Hopefully an investigation into the election fraud will be enough to make people finally see what a slimeball Harper really is and enough with the political apathy. Unless the whole country protests, which I wouldn't mind, honestly.
Until then, it's a long 3 years.
(I know this post may seem biased, but it's suppose to be. I can never support a man like Stephen Harper considering everything he has done and will continue to do. I certainly welcome debate, as well as anything that may prove something here false. However, I have researched while posting and as of now, I'm sure my figures are correct. Again, proving me wrong is how I learn. Bring on any debate.)
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