About a 6 earlier, without Pepto-bismol. With the Pepto-bismol, it's about a 4.
Took me a while to get there, but it's actually pretty good today. About an 8, and I haven't found myself going off track much today.
Depressive Thoughts
About 5-6. About what it has been.
Suicidal Thoughts
2. Barely there. If this gets to a 5, then I need to monitor. If it hits I guess 7 or higher, I need to go to the hospital. I think. I'll see what it's doing.
If I'm sitting, it's about a 2. If I'm walking, up and about, it's about 7.
As far as I can think, this is what I need to monitor. If anyone else can think of something else, then I'll monitor that too.
I don't really know what else to say. I had some depressive thoughts earlier that would have gone in here, but as I wasn't near the computer, it didn't happen.
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