Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More Aches and Harry's.

I've gone well over a week without caffeine. The only time I really feel it is when I wake up in the morning and in the middle of the afternoon when I usually have a pick-me-up. But it's not as bad as it could have been. I've been drinking hot chocolate at work, which is fine.

Unfortunately, I have more stomach issues. Sometimes it feels like some sort of acidic, gassy thing in my stomach. First, it was after eating certain foods. Then, it was after eating anything. Now, I've had it all day. I'll probably end up back to my doctor's on Monday for something else.

And it's not in anyone one place! It moves around which makes it seem more like gas than stomach acid. Any pharmacy/nurse/doctor students or professional have ideas? I'm drinking peppermint tea which is helping calm the belly. But I can't just drink that all the time.

Got logged into PotterMore, but I guess since everyone else got their acceptance owls, the server has been crashing. I can't get in all the time and it's frequently down. Guess they underestimated the amount of people would be on there. However, I HAVE managed to get my wand! Sycamore, unicorn core, 10.5 inches, unyielding. Looks good. I'll post more about it once I can finally log in again. If you have PotterMore, add me! I'm KnightQuaffle198.

Speaking of which, just got in! TTYL!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Coffee free. God Help Me.

So, after Saturday's....adventure, I woke up Sunday with a killer stomach with lots of nauseous feelings. I stayed in bed most of the day. Naturally, I blamed it on the alcohol. However, when I woke up Monday and felt just as bad, I knew something wasn't right. What made it worse, I couldn't even physically touch my stomach without it hurting. So I went to the doctor. I told him that I was having night-time heart burn, but it was alleviated by taking an antacid at night and elevating my head and shoulders while sleeping. However, the past few nights I had nausea instead of heartburn (didn't mention the alcohol) and today my stomach was killing me. He told me to lie on the table and he pressed right in the center of where my pain was, and said "yup. Gastritis." It's an inflammation of the stomach which he said came about because of too much acid. The antacid at night is good but I needed more to get rid of all the pain. So he gave me a prescription and gave me strict orders about something.

No coffee.

Actually, no caffeine, which includes no coffee, no tea, no fizzy drinks, no colas. I could still drink decaf though, but that's not the same.

Right now, I'm on day 2 of no coffee. It's not easy. I'm tired a lot, loss of focus. Hopefully that won't last much longer. And I did have decaf, but no, it's not the same.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


This entry is being written while I may or may not be slightly intoxicated. Leading slightly towards the may. I apologize in advance for the bad spelling/grammar.

So, today was my friend Wendy's (HI WENDY!!!) birthday party. At one point, my teacher pants came on, but it didn't work so well. See, I called the cabs to get us downtown. If you call a cab to go downtown at midnight, you have to call at like 11. I somehow managed to get one to come and they said it was on the way. I clapped my hands (you know...clap-clap-clapclapclap) to get attention. It didn't work. So I just yelled the cabs were on the way. Then the cabs were there. So then, I tried again to figure out who was going where. Didn't work out. Teacher pants off, hulk pants on. "Get off your ass and come on! CAB. IS. HEEEERE." Ok, maybe not like that. But still!

For most of the evening, teacher pants on again as I was frequently concerned where the other people were. I dunno where they were. I didn't like this. Like knowing where everyone is! I finally gave up and eventually made it home.

I'm getting too old for this, I think. That, or I can't lose myself in the alcoholness (Google says that's not a word.) and just forget everything. No! I don't like that. I need to be in control of my mind and my body. None of this drinking and waking up the next morning not sure how I got there. I know I got a cab home. It was a CO-OP cab, which I don't see very often. I know I'll be sleeping soon, in my own bed. I may or may not change clothes. I am getting quite tired. Point is, I am in control. Not the alcohol, ME. That's probably why I don't do drugs...I want my control. I like my control.

I may also be weirded out by the age differences of me and the downtown/club people. A lot of them...19, 20, 21...I'm 25. They're too young for me. That and I just have a dislike for the general population as a whole.

And I don't like this music they listen to. Except while drinking. And it needs a damn good bass/beat so I can dance. No, I can't dance to Journey. I don't know why Journey has become so popular all over again. Yes, I do like that other people know Don't Stop Believin', but how many other Journey songs can they name? Besides, I love loving a band that others haven't heard of. Not saying that everyone is like this. No way. I know this. But it seems that way. Prove me wrong, people!

I think I'm done now. Time to get a glass of water and then sleepy.

Night night.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sicky time

Is it bad that sometimes I have to look back and see what was the last thing I wrote? Yeah, it's been a while.

So, I'm done WalMart for good now. Not going back, unless it's for shopping or bugging former co-workers, since that's always fun.

Like my computer, I'm sick. However, unlike my computer, I can't rest a bit and be normal for a bit. At least not yet. I'm not as sick as the rest of the house is. It seems most of my illness is in the sinuses. Hopefully it'll be better in the next day or two.

I'm also doing better. I guess just talking to other people and stuff is helping me get over things. I'm still scared to do so, but I try...a bit. Went back to POF but it seems like either the people I don't want to talk to want to talk to me, and the ones I want to talk to don't talk to me. Typical...I guess. But like I's scary.

But now I must go and finish dishes. Just letting you know I'm alive.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Restless Computer Syndrome

You know those moments where you're bored, but not bored? Where you want something or do something but you don't know what? The point where you want to run around but want to lie there? Yeah I'm in that spot right now.

I've been busy in August. I only wrote 5 entries last month. I guess working two jobs will do that to you. But I'll be finishing Wal-Mart on Thursday. I'll miss some of the people I've met but I won't miss the customers. No offense to people that shop there, I'm one of you, some people make you want to stab yourself in the eye.

My computer hasn't been well. It's not too bad now, since I've done some scans (thanks to Brad) and took the back off to clean (thanks to Elliot for that one!). I couldn't clean it fully but it seems to have made a difference.

At least now I can multi-task. I couldn't earlier. Now I have Google Chrome, yahoo messenger and Windows Media Player open. Chrome has two tabs. Earlier, I would only be able to open one of those programs at a time, and have only one tab. So hopefully I can keep this all up until I can afford a new laptop. Maybe for Christmas, I'll just ask for money to go towards it so I can get a fancy, top of the line one.

Almost done book two of Song of Ice and Fire. Wow. Just amazing books. I picked up book three today since I knew I'd be finished this one soon. I try to avoid spoilers, but unfortunately I find the occasional one. In my head now, I'm trying to think of how it'll end and...well, I don't see one that doesn't involve a lot of people dead and some of the living still unhappy over the final outcome. It's going to be interesting few books now!

Not sure what else to say at the moment. I'm probably going to try WoW. I was playing earlier but my character kept dying because the computer would lag. Hopefully if I play now it'll be ok. Or use another character that won't get killed easily.

Hopefully once my computer gets over this "flu", I can download new music. I've had some recommendations and I know some of the bands that I listen to have or will have new music out. For now, I'll do with what I have.

I guess that's all for now. Thanks for staying tuned.