Saturday, December 31, 2011
New Years Thoughts
I started off the year not long back from an amazing four months in the UK. I miss that place. It was fantastic and there was always something to do. We were busy but there was always something on the weekends. And if you got bored, it's only a train ride to London or to the airport where you can take a cheap plane to anywhere else in Europe. Wish it were like that here. So yeah, I was still on a high from that.
I turned 25 this year. That still boggles my mind. As of now, it feels like every age I turn will make me feel old, even though I won't REALLY be old. I just always thought that at 25, things would be different and I'd be a "real" adult. As of now, not yet.
I graduated university! Bachelor of Education in Primary/Elementary. Yay! After seven years of studying I am finally done. It feels great. Now, the hard part: finding a teaching job.
Made a few lifestyle changes, lost 20 lbs and gain and lose about 5 of them during the year, depends on my stress levels of the week.
Early in the year, I met someone and things were over quicker than we started. Somewhat, anyways. The repercussions of that made me a wreck for most of the summer. I hated myself for what happened, for being a fool and for falling for what I can see in retrospect were lies. I have learned that it wasn't entirely my fault and I am not fully to blame.
Then I met someone else and felt an amazing connection and had a great few weeks. It's over for now, but, despite some peoples objections, we're still talking. Why? I don't know. Maybe neither one of us wants to let go. I can't read his mind. Though if I met someone else, I'll seriously do some thinking and see how it goes.
My ex-boyfriend got married. That depressed me a little. Not because it was my ex-boyfriend, but because it was someone else my age that was taking that huge step. Also, at the time, I was dealing with the depression and mess that the first guy I mentioned left me in. Nothing against my ex. If he's happy, so be it. Good for him.
What else happened this year that was big? Nothing else that I can thing of. Oh! One of my best friends got the help she needed. Even if she had to go away to do it, she did it. I'm so proud of her and will continue to support her throughout all this.
All in all, 2011 had some good times, had some bad times. I'm not where exactly where I want to be in my life, but I'm slowly getting there. I'm ready for what 2012 has to throw at me. The big thing I'm hoping for is days in the classroom, either as a sub or something full time. A few other things I want, but I don't want to mention them. Might jinx it.
2012, bring it on!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Christmas Woes
I want to be able to not worry about what I eat, if it'll cause pain later on, either in my stomach or in the heartburn regions. Even if I don't eat, I'm in pain.
I want my friends and their families to get through their situations with everyone healthy and ok.
Last night, I was told something that, while not unexpected, was not something I wanted to hear. This is twice. I don't know what I want with that.
I've had a UTI last week and my anxiety was increasing. It seems to be level again now, but still.
This time of year hasn't been easy in the past few years. It looks like this year will be similar.
Anyone remember what a normal Christmas is like?
Thursday, December 8, 2011
A religious military?
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Snow Snow Go Away
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
From Oldest to Poorest
The question is...why do people need to do this? I'm not asking why do we give money to those who need it, but why do these people not have the necessities? What really gets me is the places that are considered developing and third world countries. And these places are countries like Africa and India, places that are where humans may have first arisen. So, if they were here first, why are they the worse off?
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
The Almighty Forward
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Confidence Fleeting
Monday, October 31, 2011
This is Halloween
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Caped Questions
Though that doesn't explain why Batman, the Caped Crusader, has a cape! No, wait, the cape makes him look more like a bat. But then why does Dr.Doom wear a cape? To my knowledge, he does not fly.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Family Differences
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I don't remember
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Side Effects Update
Withdrawaling TIme
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Plan for the Future
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
In-depth Harry Potterness
Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she was an accomplished witch or wizard.
Minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may 'die' and need replacing.
Once being placed in Slytherin, while even wanting to be in that house, I was a little surprised. I had figured I'd be placed in Ravenclaw. But then I read the welcome message, again another amazing thing from JKR, who must have created these for all four houses.
Congratulations! I’m Prefect Gemma Farley, and I’m delighted to welcome you to SLYTHERIN HOUSE. Our emblem is the serpent, the wisest of creatures; our house colours are emerald green and silver, and our common room lies behind a concealed entrance down in the dungeons. As you’ll see, its windows look out into the depths of the Hogwarts lake. We often see the giant squid swooshing by – and sometimes more interesting creatures. We like to feel that our hangout has the aura of a mysterious, underwater shipwreck.
Now, there are a few things you should know about Slytherin – and a few you should forget.
Firstly, let’s dispel a few myths. You might have heard rumours about Slytherin house – that we’re all into the Dark Arts, and will only talk to you if your great-grandfather was a famous wizard, and rubbish like that. Well, you don’t want to believe everything you hear from competing houses. I’m not denying that we’ve produced our share of Dark wizards, but so have the other three houses – they just don’t like admitting it. And yes, we have traditionally tended to take students who come from long lines of witches and wizards, but nowadays you’ll find plenty of people in Slytherin house who have at least one Muggle parent.
Here’s a little-known fact that the other three houses don’t bring up much: Merlin was a Slytherin. Yes, Merlin himself, the most famous wizard in history! He learned all he knew in this very house! Do you want to follow in the footsteps of Merlin? Or would you rather sit at the old desk of that illustrious ex-Hufflepuff, Eglantine Puffett, inventor of the Self-Soaping Dishcloth?
I didn’t think so.
But that’s enough about what we’re not. Let’s talk about what we are, which is the coolest and edgiest house in this school. We play to win, because we care about the honour and traditions of Slytherin.
We also get respect from our fellow students. Yes, some of that respect might be tinged with fear, because of our Dark reputation, but you know what? It can be fun, having a reputation for walking on the wild side. Chuck out a few hints that you’ve got access to a whole library of curses, and see whether anyone feels like nicking your pencil case.
But we’re not bad people. We’re like our emblem, the snake: sleek, powerful, and frequently misunderstood.
For instance, we Slytherins look after our own – which is more than you can say for Ravenclaw. Apart from being the biggest bunch of swots you ever met, Ravenclaws are famous for clambering over each other to get good marks, whereas we Slytherins are brothers. The corridors of Hogwarts can throw up surprises for the unwary, and you’ll be glad you’ve got the Serpents on your side as you move around the school. As far as we’re concerned, once you’ve become a snake, you’re one of ours – one of the elite.
Because you know what Salazar Slytherin looked for in his chosen students? The seeds of greatness. You’ve been chosen by this house because you’ve got the potential to be great, in the true sense of the word. All right, you might see a couple of people hanging around the common room whom you might not think are destined for anything special. Well, keep that to yourself. If the Sorting Hat put them in here, there’s something great about them, and don’t you forget it.
And talking of people who aren’t destined for greatness, I haven’t mentioned the Gryffindors. Now, a lot of people say that Slytherins and Gryffindors represent two sides of the same coin. Personally, I think Gryffindors are nothing more than wannabe Slytherins. Mind you, some people say that Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor prized the same kinds of students, so perhaps we are more similar than we like to think. But that doesn’t mean that we cosy up with Gryffindors. They like beating us only slightly less than we like beating them.
A few more things you might need to know: our house ghost is the Bloody Baron. If you get on the right side of him he’ll sometimes agree to frighten people for you. Just don’t ask him how he got bloodstained; he doesn’t like it.
The password to the common room changes every fortnight. Keep an eye on the noticeboard. Never bring anyone from another house into our common room or tell them our password. No outsider has entered it for more than seven centuries.
Well, I think that’s all for now. I’m sure you’ll like our dormitories. We sleep in ancient four-posters with green silk hangings, and bedspreads embroidered with silver thread. Medieval tapestries depicting the adventures of famous Slytherins cover the walls, and silver lanterns hang from the ceilings. You’ll sleep well; it’s very soothing, listening to the lake water lapping against the windows at night.
Yup. If I was really in Hogwarts, I'd be at home in Slytherin. I just hope I don't get in trouble posting this.
PS. I've edited this several times to be able to show what's my words and what's Pottermore's. But, for some reason, blogspot doesn't want me to. Hopefully, by bolding my words, you can tell the difference.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
More Aches and Harry's.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Coffee free. God Help Me.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
And I don't like this music they listen to. Except while drinking. And it needs a damn good bass/beat so I can dance. No, I can't dance to Journey. I don't know why Journey has become so popular all over again. Yes, I do like that other people know Don't Stop Believin', but how many other Journey songs can they name? Besides, I love loving a band that others haven't heard of. Not saying that everyone is like this. No way. I know this. But it seems that way. Prove me wrong, people!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Sicky time
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Restless Computer Syndrome
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Still Alive
Friday, August 19, 2011
Decision Made
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Decisions Decisions
Saturday, August 13, 2011
I don't know
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Things I've Learned at Wal-Mart
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
And I'm tired of that pale blue paint on my walls. I want something bolder. Bright reds or dark greens. Something that says this is my room.
Gender Wars
Friday, July 22, 2011
Midnight Queries
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Working Girl
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Borrowed Energy
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Small Update
Friday, July 8, 2011
The Kitties
Thursday, July 7, 2011
I knew something was up
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Summer Nights
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Adult Child
- have to guess what normal behaviour is in many situations,
- have difficulties completing projects,
- lie when it is equally simple to tell the truth,
- are self-judgmental,
- have difficulties having fun,
- take themselves very seriously,
- have problems in intimate relationships,
- overreact to changes which they can't control,
- are always looking for approval and confirmation,
- think they're different,
- are either extremely responsible or extremely irresponsible,
- are extremely loyal, also to people who do not deserve it,
- are impulsive
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Two Mes
It's also not hard to find shirts to match my more feminine side. Shirts that look good and that make me feel good. Most girls will know what I'm talking about it. I have numerous shirts like that.