Saturday, November 5, 2011

Confidence Fleeting

Confidence. We all know what it is and we all have some to a certain extent. However, I frequently lack the confidence where I should have it. Example. I have a small solo in church next Sunday evening. That's fine. However, even though I know that I know this piece, I freak out. We had to sing it without music and I just...panicked. But I know the part. Or at least I think do. See? Lack of confidence.

Even at work and various jobs I've done. I start at the bottom rung, and I stay there, despite sometimes not being happy with the way things are done and often quickly learning about how things work a bit higher up. But I never go for a higher position, even though I love having power. Why? Because I don't have the confidence in myself to do it. I feel like I won't be good enough to move forward. So I stay where I am because I know I can do this. If the opportunity came up to move up in a job, it'll take a lot of convincing for me to take this opportunity.

Just saying.

And there's the opposite sex. Confidence in that? Well...that's a no-brainer.

Though I have no idea why I have the confidence in posting my various thoughts online where anyone can read them. Possibly because I seriously don't know who half the readers are. But that's the way it is.

Also, just a notice. The word "confidence" means to have faith in yourself or something else. But "confidential" means to keep something secret. Any linguists out there want to tell me how these two similar words mean something different? /nerdiness.

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