Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Decisions Decisions

Very soon, I need to come to a decision. Once September starts, I can join the substitute list, living the exciting life of going to a different classroom every day, or may not get to one at all right away. Either way, my 8-4s will need to be pretty open so that I can take a substitute job at a moments notice.

However, there may be times when I'll get no substitute work and I will need money. With free evenings and (half) weekends, I'll have that time to work. I won't be able to work Wednesday nights and Sundays due to choir and church. That leaves me Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday for working. Right now, I'm working two jobs. Either I'd work 2 days at one, 3 at the other, or I leave one.

So here's the big decision. Which one would I do? There are pros and cons to both. Let's look a them, shall we?

The Call Center - I make $11/hour, it would be just in the evenings and I like the people I work with. However, if there's downtime, I won't get work, making it unreliable.

Wal-mart - Reliable hours, I'll always have work and a 10% discount card. However, I make $10.15 an hour. As well, it's stressful, busy and I won't get off until 11pm. At the same time, I haven't been there as long, so maybe I haven't given it a long enough chance. I know it will get busier and more stressful as Christmas gets closer.

So, any thoughts? Attempt to do essentially three jobs, or drop one? And which one? Based on what you know, what would you do?

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