Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Taken for granted

It's amazing what people take for granted. Right now, I'm having problems with my phone, particularly with texts at the moment. I've taken for granted that my texts have always sent. Now, since it seems that my texts aren't sending, and now, I have no idea who got my texts and who didn't. It actually sucks. Don't take texts for granted! Be glad your message gets to the person that you want it to go to!

And then there are the little things, the things you get used to. For example, in Canada, if you walk into a pub that has a tv, most likely, it's playing hockey (assuming it's hockey season). I am a hockey fan, even though, honestly, I don't pay a lot of attention until playoff season. However, while I was in England, one of things we mentioned was how much we missed hockey! We just wanted to go to a bar and watch a game. Unfortunately, hockey's not very big over there, so we couldn't. Here in Canada, we can take for granted even the most simple tasks of turning the channel or checking the paper in the morning to see who won the game.

I wonder if people from Europe feel the same way when they come to North America, or Americans when they go to a country where there's no American football. Or anyone going to another country where their favourite sport isn't popular.

It's be interesting to know.

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